Hello! I'm Glendon, and I believe in using
Tech For Good .

About Me

Year 3 Undergraduate.

A passionate and driven penultimate undergraduate with a strong desire to contribute to and enhance Singapore's cybersecurity landscape.

The SingHealth hack in 2018 which affected millions of Singaporeans, including a close family member, spurred me to enroll in an undergraduate course in Information Security. I find the dynamic cybersecurity modules I have completed and the stimulating cybersecurity conferences I have attended to be highly exhilarating. The prospect of being part of such a vibrant community and having opportunities for professional growth is incredibly appealing, and I eagerly anticipate pursuing a career in cybersecurity.

Outside of curriculum, I also actively seek out community engagement opportunities. This year, as the Lead of the Google Developer Student Clubs NUS, I led a team of 140 members to design and develop six digital solutions for various local non-profit organizations. I also organized and hosted numerous internal events to promote the use of Tech For Good, including workshops, fireside chats, and a hackathon that successfully attracted 250 participants.

Currently, I am an intern in the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore, where I am working on an internal tool to automate the detection of phishing websites. In my free time, I enjoy watching documentaries, personal finance videos, or trying out new video games. I also play volleyball occasionally!


Throughout my undergraduate study, I have experience with a variety of programming languages, using different libraries and APIs.

  • C/C++: Having completed a module on Operating Systems and Data Structures & Algorithms, C/C++ is my go-to language for coding. Aside from memory management, I have experience working with system calls in C and dabbled in Standard Template Library in C++.

  • Python: Working with Python in a computer network and security modules, I have experience with socket APIs and cryptography libraries in Python.

  • HTML/CSS: Through online videos and tutorials, HTML/CSS were self-taught in the making of this website and used in the personal portofolio workshop conducted earlier this year.

  • Java: Used in a software-engineering module, Java was the language of choice when practising software engineering and Object Oriented Programming principles such as Abstraction and Encapsulation.

  • JavaScript: Self-learnt in 2021, JavaScript was used in the creation of StudyTogether Discord Bot as part of Orbital 2021.

  • Bash: Working with Bash across different undergraduate modules, I have foundatational knowledge and experience with basic Bash commands.

Below is a summary of my skills across different languages.

Python 80%
Java 60%
Javascript 50%
Bash Shell scripting 50%


I strive to strike a balance between academics and actively participating in community engagement opportunities.


Glendon Ng

I am a highly-driven and analytical undergraduate, who seeks to use my technical skillset for good.


Bachelor in Information Security (with Honours)

Aug 2020 - May 2024

National University of Singapore

I learn how to keep systems safe. Taught by some of the best Professors in Singapore, I learn modern Cryptography techniques and the best practices for securing computer systems.

Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' Level

Jan 2016 - Dec 2017

Meridian Junior College

Undertook the Science stream with 3 H2 in Math, Physics and Chemistry, with a H1 in Economics. I obtained Distinctions for all 3 H2 subjects.



April 2022 - Current

Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) NUS

Led a team of 140 members to promote the use of Tech for Good through various club activities while representing GDSC NUS in regional and international summits.

Technology Associate

Aug 2021 - April 2022

Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) NUS

Conducted an online workshop with over a hundred participants on creation of personal portfolio websites using Bootstrap framework and Netlify hosting platform, as part of GDSC Tech-For-Good mission.


System Engineer Intern

Jan 2023 - Jul 2023

Cyber Security Agency of Singapore

Developed an internal tool to automate the detection of phishing websites by self-learning machine learning concepts such as natural language processing and computer vision and other analysis methods. Through my extensive research on phishing tactics and techniques, I was able to enhance the accuracy of the tool, enabling it to identify potential threats with greater efficiency and precision.

Part-Time Teaching Assistant

Aug 2022 - Dec 2022

National University of Singapore, School of Computing

Tutored 2 classes on information and computer system security, including secure programming practices & implementation, classical & modern ciphers, input validation vulnerability, and other forms of attacks

Threat Analyst Intern

May 2022 - Jul 2022

Cyber Security Agency of Singapore

Examined and evaluated both domestic and international cyber threats while contributing to the May and June issues of CyberSense, a CSA publication that highlights important topics, trends, and technologies related to cybersecurity.

Part-Time Teaching Assistant

Jan 2022 - May 2022

National University of Singapore, School of Computing

Tutored 3 classes on basic concepts in OS Structure and Architecture, Process Management, Memory Management, File Management and OS Protection Mechanisms.


As a strong believer in a holistic education, I constantly seek out opportunities to engage with communities.

Hack For Good 2022

Personal Portfolio Workshop

Python Course with Autism Resource Centre



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